Budget for Landlords Blog What Do UK Landlords Need to Budget For? There are many costs to consider as a UK landlord, which is why we've outlined the key expenditures you need to remember to budget for.
Northern Group and Colony Workspaces Shortlisted for Two Awards News Northern Group & Colony Shortlisted for Two Awards Northern Group and Colony Workspaces have been shortlisted for two awards at the upcoming North West Property Awards
Gail's on Altrincham High Street News Property Group Secure Gail’s Bakery Unit on Altrincham High Street Property group based in Manchester has secured a newly opened Gail's Bakery for Altrincham high street unit, amidst the trendy chain's national expansion.
Reasons why you should be a pet friendly landlord Blog 8 Reasons why you should be a pet friendly landlord This article provides 8 reasons why you should be a pet friendly landlord and describes the rules around pets with letting your property.
Top 10 nice places to eat in Ancoats, Manchester Blog Top 10 nice places to eat in Ancoats, Manchester The locals' lowdown of 'nice places'. From the people that live, work and helped build Ancoats into the neighbourhood it is today.
Award winning development in Ancoats by Northern Group News Award winning development in Ancoats by Northern Group This years awards were tougher than ever with more entries than any previous year – 85 entries across 15 Award categories.